Our Team

Donna Fletcher

Business Administrator


Located in Brisbane, QLD

Donna has supported the Treeti Business Consulting team as a contractor for a number of years.  We are thrilled that she joined us in a permanent capacity in April 2022, as Business Administrator.

With a systematic approach and knack for implementing standards that drive high-quality outcomes, Donna thrives on providing high level support to both the team and clients alike.

Donna has over 15 years’ experience within Executive Assistant/ PA / Administration roles, including supporting small businesses and large global firms within Australia, including Dubai in the Middle East.  She has honed a diverse range of skills within HR, IT, systems and processes, management support and administration.

Qualifications / Training

  • Cert IV Business Administration
  • Cert IV Human Resources
  • Advanced Certificate in Office Administration
  • ISO 9001:2015 Foundation