Respond, Reset and Rebound.

June 2020 has been all about getting our clients, suppliers, and ourselves ready for the Rebound.  Here in the NT we have had an early return to the new normal living conditions.  However, our southern counterparts are looking at some point in the third quarter of 2020 for schools, workplaces, stores, restaurants and tourism before they see a return to normal.  A medium-term scenario for all is positioned for the fourth quarter of the year.  The longer-term view is that places in the world in a general return to normal living and business conditions at some point in the first half of 2021.

Experts from Frost and Sullivan recently held a webinar on “How to Respond, Reset and Rebound” from the effects of COVID-19.

They said “The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy has business leaders in an unprecedented state of uncertainty. Decision-makers in companies and governments are struggling to understand the new challenges we face and to determine what course of action needs to be taken”

Key Questions answered from the webinar:

• What is the impact of COVID-19 on the global economy?
• What industries are most impacted, and how does that affect your business strategies?
• What are the realistic changes to your strategy and operation?
• What are the strategic considerations for leading your business through the crisis?
• How can you reset and reposition your business for stability and growth?
• What growth opportunities still exist in the market, and how can your organization leverage them?

These are the same questions we have engaged our clients within this Rebound phase of the pandemic regionally and nationally.  Please enjoy our newsletter this month and don’t hesitate to contact me for a chat or support with your business.

Have a wonderful month! 

Claire Maradani
Managing Director
Treeti Business Consulting

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