Upcoming Digital Workshops

Workforce Abundance – Operations Report

Last week we were looking at the impact of the new Migration reforms to the new base salary of $70k. Many automotive businesses are wondering if they can afford to bring skilled workers in on this new base salary. The good news is that the market rate for many...

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May 2023

The topic Skilled Migration to Australia continues to dominate the headlines.  As per the above April 27, 2023 quote from The Hon Clare O’Neil MP, Minister for Home Affairs from the National Press Club Address – Australia’s Migration System, she quoted “Together, as...

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Ten Workplace trends in 2023, as reported by The New Daily

Workplaces are always evolving and in 2023, changing economic conditions are forcing organisations to tighten their belts while also keeping up to date with technology. This comes as Australia continues to face a post-pandemic talent shortage across key industries...

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Workforce Abundance – Operations Report

Our global employment solutions program goes from strength to strength delivering end to end process management for clients all across the NT and around Australia. The team have just completed the first pilot of the Global Recruitment Expo’s in Manila, Cochin and...

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Gōng xǐ fā cái – year of the rabbit

The lunar new year has bought with it mixed emotions for the Treeti and Workforce Abundance teams. As is custom for us each Lunar New Year, we welcomed the Chung Wah society in to perform an office blessing with the Lion Dancers. They were very well received by our...

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Business at Sunset Chamber of Commerce Northern Territory

Hosted by Treeti and Acet Recruitment and Migration We were thrilled to host the first Business at Sunset for 2023 and welcomed a great turn out from the NT Business Community.  Our team provided an update on the Global Recruitment Expo and skilled worker shortage...

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Welcome to the February 2023 edition of Treeti Yeah

Photo: Mayor of Bacolod City Hon. Alfredo B. Benitez with Workforce Abundance Team We’re Back!  What an exciting 4 weeks for Treeti, Acet and Workforce Abundance.  We have returned from our successful recruitment drive throughout Philippines and India. I am delighted...

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Business Ready

Are you running a small business in a regional or remote area of Australia? With fewer than 5 employees? Get High Calibre Mentoring (from anywhere in Australia) Operating a business in regional Australia at times feels impossible to access high-calibre help. The group...

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ASANA – Track, manage, and connect your projects

Asana's free web and mobile apps help you stay on track, keep projects organized, and hit deadlines. See project progress, track individual tasks, plan sprints, integrate with other tools, and achieve successful launches. Visualize your progress on projects with Asana...

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New Pay Secrecy and Job Ad Laws

Fair Work Ombudsman have advised that new workplace laws about pay secrecy and what can be included in job advertisements (ads) now apply. These changes are part of the Australian Government’s new Secure Jobs, Better Pay legislation that passed in December 2022. The...

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Welcome to the January 2023 edition of Treeti Yeah

1 day to go! Our team along with ACET Migration Services have landed in the Philippines to commence the first of three Global Recruitment Expos. Our goal is to recruit 600 skilled candidates for placement right across the Northern Territory and support businesses to...

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Welcome to our October 2021 Newsletter – Director’s Note

Hi Everyone, Very exciting to be halfway through OBM with some awesome speakers and events thus far in Alice Springs and Katherine. There is something for everyone at this year’s OBM line up across the Territory, keynote speakers that inspire like Sean Soole from The...

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Welcome to our August 2021 Newsletter – Director’s Note

A statement from Michael Gunner, our Chief Minister’s response to Hospitality NT Gold Plate Awards Team that was set to take place last week. This team leads by Jimmy, Madusha and Danny whose event was cancelled on the day, due to this month’s COVID-19 lockdown. The...

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Welcome to our July 2021 Newsletter – Director’s Note

Welcome to the New Financial Year 2021/2022. At the beginning of this month it was the NT’s turn to experience the economic uncertainty of COVID-19 lockdown in our community. It was a reality shock for some as we felt the brunt of business restrictions and closure. We...

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Welcome to our May 2021 Newsletter – Director’s Note

Hello and welcome to our May edition of our Treeti Yeah Newsletter. Last month we had a look at the impacts of bust to boom on businesses. Now we know that boom is here to stay for a while, it’s a great opportunity to delve into using digital systems and the...

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Welcome to our April 2021 Newsletter – Director’s Note

Hello and welcome to our April edition of our Treeti Yeah Newsletter. This month we have been taking a closer look at how Bust to Boom impacts business and how both ends of the spectrum can be just as tricky to navigate. Just 12 months ago businesses were facing the...

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Welcome to our March 2021 Newsletter – Director’s Note

Welcome to our March 2021 Newsletter – Director’s Note

Hello and welcome to our March edition of our Treeti Yeah Newsletter. This month we are asking our clients “is it a good time to review your business model”, particularly if you have decided you would like your business to move to next level. It's easy to focus only...

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Working together the big theme of OBM Alice Springs

Working together the big theme of OBM Alice Springs

The October Business Month Territory Grown Roadshow arrived in Central Australia last week for 4 days of insights, inspiration and new information for businesses of all sizes. From the very start, the message was clear from all presenters, the rebound is happening,...

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Nhulunbuy event leads with key messages for local business

Nhulunbuy event leads with key messages for local business

October Business Month (OBM) kicked off in Nhulunbuy with a range of vital information for growing businesses, economic outlooks for the East Arnhem region and inspiring success stories from local businesses. Thursday morning was a wealth of news and information on...

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How you make your website work better on mobiles

How you make your website work better on mobiles

By now you should have a website that is made for people to view on handheld devices like mobile phones. But you’d be surprised just how many sites aren’t. What, then, are the most important factors to nail down on your mobile website? We’re quite a few years into the...

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The importance of measuring your marketing

The importance of measuring your marketing

We tend to like certain parts of our marketing more than others. The creativity? The words? Love ‘em. But when it comes to the data, well… it gets a little boring doesn’t it. When I’m running webinars and workshops on creating graphics using Canva, they usually sell...

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Managing probation periods

Managing probation periods

When you hire staff, you include a probation period in the contract to ensure that the business is protected in case the new person isn’t actually the right fit.  But how do you manage this?  It’s not appropriate to reach the end of the probation period (3 months, 6...

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International Freight Assistance Mechanism (IFAM) extended

International Freight Assistance Mechanism (IFAM) extended

In the past month we have seen some new developments from the International Freight Assistance Mechanism (IFAM) and they have extended the trial to encompass the mango as well as the rock melon (cantaloupe) season. This is due to the amount of produce that could be...

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Client of the Month – Arirrki

Client of the Month – Arirrki

Spectacular Jumping Crocodile Cruises, has a long history alongside the Adelaide River. It has had several owners over the past couple of decades, however it was after the purchase by the Arirrki Aboriginal Corporation on behalf of the Lalara clan of Groote Eylandt,...

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Entrepreneur of the Month – Julie Overell

Entrepreneur of the Month – Julie Overell

Julie Overell, is an entrepreneur and successful business woman with qualifications and experience as a Health & Weight Management Practitioner. Julie is committed to supporting Territorians to achieve their healthy lifestyle goals. Julie recently launched her...

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August webinars now ready for bookings

August webinars now ready for bookings

You may now book your place in our free webinars around topics of digital skills, social media, cybersecurity, business systems and websites - along with the kind of information you need to rebound your business, such as motivating staff, handling customers,...

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Shifting our business online

Shifting our business online

Determined to stay ahead of the COVID-19 bell curve, Treeti has been highly engaged in “working on the business” and started to shift our business Online.  With the NTG Rebound Grant we have engaged 3 of our digital consultants to bring our business coaching programs...

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Emerging Markets Development Grants available

Emerging Markets Development Grants available

This has been a busy mouth for Tradestart. Many companies are looking to new markets and new ways of selling their services and products. At the end of this month the applications for EMDG are open. EMDG (Emerging Markets Development Grants) is the Austrade marketing...

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Client of the Month – Offroad Dreaming

Client of the Month – Offroad Dreaming

Our client of the month is local tourism operator Offroad DreamingOwned and operated by Yvonne and Neville, Offroad Dreaming has been a leading tourism operator in the international market for many years. Having been completely impacted by COVID- 19 shut downs Yvonne...

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Entrepreneur of the Month – Rana Everett

Entrepreneur of the Month – Rana Everett

Rana Everett, Managing Director of Everett Consulting NT, is an entrepreneur and successful business woman. Operating out of Humpty Doo, Rana's business capitalises on Rana's impressive technical credentials to provide design proof and reports for engineering...

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ASBAS Success Story  – Michelle Taylor

ASBAS Success Story – Michelle Taylor

Michelle's story of adding new digital skills to her portfolio as a result of an ASBAS Digital Solutions 1:1 session with Darwin advisor Dante St James has been nominated as a national success story for the ASBAS Digital Solutions program. The Commonwealth,...

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The ‘New Normal’ of Digital in the Territory

The ‘New Normal’ of Digital in the Territory

COVID-19 has required organisations to adapt to rapidly evolving business requirements. Transitioning staff to working from home and increasing the use of digital services like teleconferencing, online collaboration tools and sharing websites has led to a range...

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Free digital webinars available to book

Free digital webinars available to book

Have you seen or heard the recent ASBAS Digital Solutions advertising on television and radio lately? As our economy begins it's post-pandemic rebound, we are continuing our free webinars for small businesses in the Territory, Queensland and Western...

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Respond, Reset and Rebound.

Respond, Reset and Rebound.

June 2020 has been all about getting our clients, suppliers, and ourselves ready for the Rebound.  Here in the NT we have had an early return to the new normal living conditions.  However, our southern counterparts are looking at some point in the third quarter of...

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Out of chaos comes order

Out of chaos comes order

' Out of Chaos, Comes Order'  - Andy Monks Welcome everyone to our May 2020 Newsletter, as we start to emerge from the global Health and Economic impacts COVID-19, it struck me that our Treeti painting we had commissioned to represent our company values “Out of Chaos,...

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What to know before you advertise on Google

What to know before you advertise on Google

It's the world's biggest advertising medium. And millions of businesses every year use it to lift them to prominence in Google's search results. But if you go in there without a plan, it can quickly spiral in to a high-spending, high-maintenance mess. So what have we...

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Tools for getting your business online quickly

Tools for getting your business online quickly

There are almost as many tools for getting your business online as there are people wanting to get their businesses online. Treeti's head of Digital, Dante St James presents a few of his favourite tools for getting yourself online as quickly as possible, and for the...

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What is the best way for us to use Zoom?

What is the best way for us to use Zoom?

One of the quickest adaptions by businesses due to COVID19 is the implementation of Zoom for video conferencing.  At Treeti we have been using Zoom since 2017.  We have both remote employees and remote clients.  Whilst our main office is located in...

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Who can help me with my business during COVID-19?

Who can help me with my business during COVID-19?

Whilst we may be in overwhelm with the daily updates on the Coronavirus pandemic; from health, toschools, toilet paper to lockdown, the direction on where to start, how to gain assistance and how to beagile on the business front can be the tipping point. At Treeti...

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Free Business Crisis Counselling Service now available

Free Business Crisis Counselling Service now available

Information overload? There is just so much information out there and its hard to know what help you should prioritise. If you want to discuss your options and help create a plan on what to tackle first. Please call 1800 595 165 for FREE Business Crisis Counselling.

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Marketing during COVID-19

Marketing during COVID-19

When good, useful, relevant and local advertising is abandoned, you’re bound to be left with only the trash in your feed. And when a bunch of regulars stop advertising on Google, then there is an opportunity to be found while everyone else is battening down the...

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Content, content, content. But when do I advertise?

Content, content, content. But when do I advertise?

This is a very real question I get asked by smaller businesses who have limited budgets for marketing and are highly suspicious of the advice of multimillionaires who preach the gospel of giving value but are not very clear on how exactly they made the money they...

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But, I’ve never had to advertise before!

But, I’ve never had to advertise before!

I’ve heard this said by four Darwin local businesses in the last 2 weeks. And if I’ve heard it this often, then I can only imagine how many businesses this is happening to.And generally the statement isn’t exactly true. Directory Advertising In all four cases, these...

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Keeping your cool online when everyone else is losing it

Keeping your cool online when everyone else is losing it

The most effective way to maintain your composure when it feels like everyone’s out to bring you down, is to remember that they probably aren’t talking about you, they are likely struggling at this stuff themselves and, finally, if they ever met you in person, they’d...

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Connecting with customers online

Connecting with customers online

The most effective way to connect better with potential customers online is to provide a solution to a problem that they have in their real world. Another way is to simply speak in a voice and tone that feels relatable to them. Finally, ask them to tell you what they...

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What is unique about your business?

What is unique about your business?

What’s unique about your business isn’t your opening hours, your service offering or your location. In fact, what you think is unique is usually quite common. But it doesn’t take me long to dig down to find what is truly unique about a business. And it’s almost always...

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Promoting events (even online ones)

Promoting events (even online ones)

If you’re promoting an event, you can’t avoid Facebook, however, depending on what your event is, Eventbrite, LinkedIn and Google MyBusiness are very important too. It almost goes without saying that Facebook is the king of events promotion in 2020. It’s where we...

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Have you considered using LinkedIn?

Have you considered using LinkedIn?

If you haven’t been on LinkedIn for a while, then you’re about to be surprised. It’s not quite what you’d remember from 10 years ago. It’s become a place to learn, connect with the leaders in your field, and, to be inspired. If you’re about B2B, then you need to be...

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Newsletter – August 2019

Newsletter – August 2019

"Welcome to August" As August 2019 draws to a close, we can reflect on another exciting and fast-paced month.  We welcomed 2 new staff members to our Treeti family, Olivia Evans as our new Receptionist (that makes 3 Country Queenslanders in the team, myself from...

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Newsletter – July 2019

Newsletter – July 2019

"Welcome back..." What a month!!  To give you an indication, I was on 9 flights in June alone. Our exciting business travels took us to Sydney, Canberra, Denpasar, Jakarta, Alice Springs and Gold Coast and eventually back to Darwin.  I attended the...

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Newsletter – June 2019

Newsletter – June 2019

"Hello..." I am on a flight to Sydney writing this Directors note for our very first Treeti Business Consulting Newsletter – heading to an Austrade Conference. Treeti is 10 years young and has be delivering business coaching and training services to the...

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Talk to us about your training requirements